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Help shape the direction of future research into dementia and hearing

Please note: This research opportunity is now closed.

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The James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership (PSP) seeks to understand what hearing and dementia research priorities people who are deaf, or have hearing loss, tinnitus, hyperacusis or vestibular disorders, have.

Have your say by taking their survey, which is also available in BSL.  

Why hearing and dementia?  

Researchers working in the fields of hearing and dementia have recognised for some time that hearing loss and dementia can often occur together as we get older and have an impact on each other, but further research is needed for them to understand how. 

Through their survey, the James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership (PSP) wants to learn about the research priorities for people with these conditions to ensure that research is shaped by those it will impact. The survey can also be taken by members of the public and those working in the field.  

Who is running this research? 

This project has been developed by a James Lind Alliance PSP programme. It is managed by the NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre, in collaboration with Alzheimer’s Research UK and RNID. 

Dr Eithne Heffernan, Senior Research Fellow at the Nottingham BRC and the University of Nottingham, who is leading the PSP, said: 

“We’ve assembled a fantastic steering group that has representatives from leading charities for dementia and hearing conditions including Alzheimer’s Research UK and RNID – our partners in the PSP programme – and the Alzheimer’s Society, as well as prominent clinicians in this field. 

“Crucially, we have people with lived experience of dementia and hearing conditions and their loved ones within the steering group, too. We are delighted to have them on board, as their perspectives are essential to this project.” 

Who should complete the survey 

Members of the Deaf community and people who have hearing loss and tinnitus are invited to share their views, as well as people with hyperacusis or vestibular disorders. The PSP would also like to hear from their loved ones, from health and social care professionals, and from people living with mild cognitive impairment or dementia.

Additionally, the survey is open to members of the public and academics who have lived experience – or are a supporter of someone with lived experience – of these conditions.  

BSL users can find the BSL version of the survey by clicking the button below.  

What happens next? 

From the details gathered in this survey, the PSP will launch a second survey in April 2024 to finalise these priority research areas. After a final workshop in September 2024, the direction of research will be decided and shared with survey participants in late 2024. 

Complete the survey 

If you would like to share your views on the direction of future research into hearing and dementia, please complete the below survey by the end of January 2024. BSL users can find the BSL version of the survey by clicking the button below.

If you would like the survey in a different format, please email the University of Nottingham at sian.calvert@nottingham.ac.uk  . You can further support this research by sharing the survey with others. 

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