d Arrange a funeral collection - RNID

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Arrange a funeral collection

The time around funerals can be difficult. Our hope is that we can help make the funeral collection process as straightforward as possible.

Organising a collection

If you’re organising a collection in memory, we can provide collection envelopes to give to family and friends at your memorial service. These allow us to claim Gift Aid and receive an extra 25p for every pound donated.

To request some, or to ask any questions you may have about organising a collection, please get in touch.

Contact us

If you are deaf, have hearing loss or tinnitus and need free confidential and impartial information and support, contact RNID.

We’re open 8:30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Sending in donations

When you’re ready to pay in your donations, we want to be able to properly acknowledge you and your loved one properly. Please let us know:

  • the name of the person you want us to remember
  • your name, address and relationship to the person you want us to remember.

Please send all cheques and collection envelopes to:

Brightfield Business Hub
Bakewell Road
Orton Southgate

When returning collection envelopes, please make sure they are sealed safely within another envelope before sending to the above address.

If you have collected cash, please do not send this to us through the post.

Please pay the cash into your bank and call our Supporter Care Team on 0808 808 0123 to make a donation over the phone (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm) or to ask for our bank account information, or you can send us a cheque for the equivalent amount.

Funeral and memorial information

When someone passes away, it can be an emotional time and it may feel difficult to know what you need to do next. The following websites offer helpful information the might help you:

Information for funeral professionals

We’re incredibly grateful for the support funeral professionals show us, both on behalf of their clients and independently.

By encouraging the use of Gift Aid envelopes at memorial services, you can help us receive an additional 25p for every pound donated. Please let families know about our collection envelopes.

If the family are happy for you to do so, when you do pay in donations please let us know the contact details of the next of kin so that we can thank them for their generous support.

Page last updated: 21 September 2022

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