Old name, new purpose: why we’ve gone back to RNID

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Information about this research

Purpose of this research

RNID is a national charity making life fully inclusive for deaf people and those with hearing loss or tinnitus. We regular meet with people across the UK who are deaf or have hearing loss or tinnitus to help us make useful and effective services.

What happens if you decide to take part

If you decide to take part in this research, we will set up a remote interview and ask for your language and communication preferences.

We will also send you a consent form to complete before the interview. This will confirm that you agree to take part in the research. It will also give you control over the information you provide.

During the interview, a researcher might ask:

  • about your experience as a deaf person or person with hearing loss or tinnitus
  • for feedback on our website or other ideas.

If you’re deaf and use BSL

We will book a BSL interpreter for your interview, unless you prefer to bring your own.

At the start of your interview, a researcher will explain the study and confirm if you are willing to take part. You do not need to fill out a consent form before your interview.

Keeping your information safe

We want the experience of taking part in research to be safe and comfortable for you.

You will be in control of the information you share

  • You decide what information you’re comfortable with us recording.
  • You decide who we can share your information with.

We will keep your information safe

  • We will store all of your information securely in our drive.
  • We will only keep your information for as long as we need it (up to 2 years) unless you ask us to delete it sooner.
  • You will not be identifiable in any reports or outputs, unless you want to be.
  • We are committed to following our privacy guidelines.

During the interview

  • You will not be judged.
  • You can choose not to answer a particular question.
  • You can take a break if needed.
  • You can change your mind at any time.

If you have any questions

If you’d like more information about this research, please email digital@beta.rnid.org.uk

Page last updated: 1 April 2022

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