d Policy and research in Wales - RNID

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Policy and research in Wales

We’re always trying to improve the lives of people with hearing loss and tinnitus by raising awareness of particular issues in Wales and through our campaigns.

Our campaigns

Please note that some of the content on this page is currently being updated (August 2023).

Hearing Matters

Hearing Matters is the name of our report detailing how the Welsh government can work with us to improve the lives of people who are deaf, or who have hearing loss or tinnitus. Our ‘asks’ include establishing a national screening programme to identify hearing loss in the older population.

See the full report

Access Denied

Access Denied is the name of our campaign in Wales calling on local authorities to stop cutting money spent on equipment for people with hearing loss. Special equipment (such as amplified telephones, flashing or vibrating doorbells and loop systems) can prevent isolation and help people to live more independently in their own homes. Our Freedom of Information requests show that since 2010/11, some areas have slashed funding by more than 50%.

Access to public services

A recent study in Wales showed that 80% of participants believe that their hearing loss made it harder for them to use services. We’ve been gathering the experiences of people with sensory loss in using public services in Wales including housing, social services and GP surgeries.

We’re also keeping an eye on the NHS in Wales to see if things are improving for people with hearing loss. The ‘All Wales Standards for Communication and Information for People with Sensory Loss’, introduced in 2013, mean that you should have automatic access to British Sign Language interpreters if you feel you need one, plus, alternative ways of booking appointments should be offered if you find it difficult to communicate by phone. But if this has not happened for you and you have a story about accessing public services in Wales, please get in touch using the contact details on this page.

Excellence Wales Awards

Our annual awards recognise organisations in Wales that go the extra mile for people with hearing loss. Now in its third year, we reward organisations (public, private or Third Sector) that have made an effort to be accessible for people with hearing loss, be they customers, service users or staff. The categories are:

  • Service Excellence
  • Excellence in Health
  • Excellence in Arts and Entertainment
  • The People’s Choice Award is voted for by the public.

Cross-Party Group on Deaf Issues (CPGDI)

We currently have representation at the Wales Cross-Party Group on Deaf Issues. The group meets quarterly and is made up of Welsh national assembly members, key stakeholders and representatives from organisations interested and involved in issues around deafness and hearing loss.

Contact us

If you are deaf, have hearing loss or tinnitus and need free confidential and impartial information and support, contact RNID.

We’re open 8:30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Page last updated: 1 August 2023

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