d Get support with developing new technology - RNID

Old name, new purpose: why we’ve gone back to RNID

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  4. Get support with developing new technology

Get support with developing new technology

If you are developing technology for people who are deaf or have hearing loss or tinnitus, we can help you. Find out more about getting support if you are a developer, manufacturer or supplier.

Our expertise and understanding in the field can help:

  • provide feedback on early concepts and provide market insight
  • facilitate focus groups and surveys and support with user testing
  • connect you with others.

We have experience working with developers, manufacturers and suppliers to bring new products and services to market. We are actively seeking new commercial opportunities. If you’re interested in partnering with us, please get in touch.

Get in touch

Fill out our request for support form or email techuxlab@beta.rnid.org.uk for more information.

Get help with products

We can help you get the products and equipment you need to manage your hearing loss or tinnitus effectively.
Find local support

Page last updated: 31 October 2023

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